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suppressed-contacts [2014/12/20 11:42] external edit
suppressed-contacts [2017/07/26 08:23]
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-====== Suppressed Contacts ====== 
-Suppressed contacts fall into two groups. There are those contacts who have made a request to be unsubscribed from your emails. Additionally,​ you might have uploaded a specific list of email addresses that must never to used - this is a suppression list. 
-==== Unsubscribed Contacts ==== 
-You must always give your contacts the opportunity to say that they don't want to receive any more of your emails. This means including an [[unsubscribe-link|unsubscribe link]] in your email. 
-===== Suppression List ==== 
-If you are moving to Sentori from another email service provider it is a requirement that you load a list of those contacts who have historically asked to be removed. This will prevent then accidentally being loaded as a contact, and their unsubscription request being dishonored. 
-You might also want to load a 'hands off' list of contacts who you simply never want to get emails from you. These might be competitors for example. 
-Whatever the reason Sentori provides a mechanism for [[loading-suppression-list|loading a suppression list]]. ​ 