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Email A/B Testing

If there are competing opinions as to the best way to make your email attractive to recipients, or you are unsure about the best approach to take then you can make a ‘Split Test’ or ‘A/B Test’.

Sentori will send each of the two emails to a sample of the audience. Once interactions with these tests have begun Sentori will make an assessment of which one is best performing. This best performing or ‘winning’ email will then be sent to remainder of the selected audience.

What To Do

  • Create two versions of your email.
  • Test the emails in the normal way - send a copy to your in-box and by run the automated tests.
  • Take the ‘Automation’ tab from the main navigation and select ‘Email A/B Testing.
  • Create a new A/B Test. You can give the test a name and add documentation if appropriate.
  • You will be asked to select the two emails to be used. The order in which the two emails are added has not effect on the test.
    • Select the contacts to receive the emails. This is done in exactly the same way as you would for sending a single email.
    • You now set the parameters for the test. These are the total sample size and the length of time to wait before analysing the results and sending the winner to the remaining contacts.
  • You select the sample size using the slider. Setting the slider to 20% will mean that each email will be sent to 10% of the total number of selected contacts.
  • Clearly Sentori has to wait a reasonable time before making the decision as to which has performed best. We would recommend waiting at least 4 hours.
  • Finally you queue the email and set the time that the test should start.