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audiences [2015/01/27 08:36]
audiences [2017/07/26 08:24] (current)
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 ===== Audience Builder ===== ===== Audience Builder =====
 Sentori'​s Audience Builder allows you to visually create custom segments of your contacts; for example, all contacts in Mailing Lists A and B but not C. The Audiences that you build can then be used to send emails to or to export the segmented data to an external source (Excel, your CRM, etc.) Sentori'​s Audience Builder allows you to visually create custom segments of your contacts; for example, all contacts in Mailing Lists A and B but not C. The Audiences that you build can then be used to send emails to or to export the segmented data to an external source (Excel, your CRM, etc.)
 Note: The feature requires no knowledge of programming,​ however its use is considered advanced and it is intended for users comfortable with managing their data. Note: The feature requires no knowledge of programming,​ however its use is considered advanced and it is intended for users comfortable with managing their data.
-==== Basic introduction to the Audience Builder ==== 
 To create an Audience, go to Contacts > Audience Builder. Once you have clicked to create an Audience and named it, the screen you are presented with prompts you to add a Query Group and Query. Doing so will then present you with a single Query Group containing one empty Query to start to build your Audience. To create an Audience, go to Contacts > Audience Builder. Once you have clicked to create an Audience and named it, the screen you are presented with prompts you to add a Query Group and Query. Doing so will then present you with a single Query Group containing one empty Query to start to build your Audience.
 ===== Creating a Query ===== ===== Creating a Query =====
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 | OR | An Audience can contain multiple Query Groups. Query Groups are OR'd; in other words, a contact can be selected if any of your Query Groups'​ criteria are met.  | | OR | An Audience can contain multiple Query Groups. Query Groups are OR'd; in other words, a contact can be selected if any of your Query Groups'​ criteria are met.  |
 | Exclude Group | It is possible to always exclude contacts from your Audience -- irrespective of whether your Query Groups would otherwise select them -- by using an Exclude Group. Contacts matching its Queries are always excluded from your Audience. | | Exclude Group | It is possible to always exclude contacts from your Audience -- irrespective of whether your Query Groups would otherwise select them -- by using an Exclude Group. Contacts matching its Queries are always excluded from your Audience. |
 +==== Using the AND clause ====
 +==== Using the OR clause ====
 +==== Using an Exclude Group ====