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Email A/B Testing

If there are competing opinions as to the best way to make your email attractive to recipients, or you are unsure about the best approach to take, then you can make a 'Split Test' or 'A/B Test'.

You pick 2 Emails and Sentori will send each to a sample of your selected audience. Once interactions with these tests have begun Sentori will make an assessment of which one is best performing. This best performing or 'winning' email will then be sent to the remainder of the audience.

What to Do

Prepare the Emails
Set up the A/B Test

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the Winner Determined?

The winning email is decided by looking at the number of emails opened and also the number of interactions with the email. The two emails are given a score. One point is awarded for each contact that opens the email, one point for each person that clicks a link, and one point for each social share.

If the score for each email is the same, email A is considered the winner.

Is the Test Group Randomly Selected?

Yes, the two test groups are randomly selected.