====== Email Timeline Report ====== {{vimeo>117586185?750x423}} This report tracks the tail of opens and clicks, showing you how long the email was effective for. You can use the Timeline to help establish peak times for email interactions and also when an email is effectively finished yielding opens and clicks. ===== Chart: Tail of Opens and Clicks ===== By default, this chart shows the first 24 hours of an email's interactions. The blue link represents the opens and the orange represents the clicks. The drop-down menu above it allows you to adjust the length of the tail. ===== Period Opens and Clicks ===== These numbers represent the total Open and Clicks for the period specified in the drop-down menu. ===== Cumulative Opens and Clicks ===== Each row represents either an hour or day (depending on the length you have set the Timeline's tail to) and shows the cumulative total of opens and clicks for an email. ===== Related Topics ===== * [[reports|Reports]] * [[email-summary-report|Email Details]] * [[email-kpi-report|Email KPI Summary]] * [[email-multisend-kpi-report|Email Multisend KPI]] * [[email-link-report|Link Performance]] * [[email-contacts-report|Contact Engagement]] * [[email-timeline-report|Interaction Timeline]] * [[email-social-report|Social Reach]] * [[email-clients-report|Email Clients]] * [[email-unsubscribes-report|Unsubscribe Reasons]]