====== API Email Report Endpoints ======
The Email Report Endpoints are used to get Reporting data regarding an Email back from Sentori.
===== Email KPI =====
This Endpoint is used to get the Emails KPI, you can also restrict it to a specific Iteration of the Email.
|URI| https://api.sentoriapp.com/v2.0/email/kpi/EmailExternalID/|
|URI| https://api.sentoriapp.com/v2.0/email/kpi/EmailExternalID/Iteration/|
|Method| GET |
==== Response ====
"SocialKpi": {
===== Abuse Complaints =====
This Endpoint is used to get the Contacts who complained that the Email was spam.
|URI| https://api.sentoriapp.com/v2.0/email/abuse/EmailExternalID/|
|Method| GET |
==== Response ====
The response is a JSON array containing Email Addresses of Contacts and the time of the Abuse Complaint.
===== Bounces =====
This Endpoint is used to get the Contacts whose Email Addresses bounced when they where sent the Email. It can be restricted to a specific Iteration.
|URI| https://api.sentoriapp.com/v2.0/email/bounced/EmailExternalID/|
|URI| https://api.sentoriapp.com/v2.0/email/bounced/EmailExternalID/Iteration/|
|Method| GET |
==== Response ====
The response is a JSON array containing Email Addresses of Contacts and the time of the bounce.
===== Clickers =====
This Endpoint is used to get the Contacts who clicked at least one Link in the Email. It can be restricted to a specific Iteration.
|URI| https://api.sentoriapp.com/v2.0/email/clicks/EmailExternalID/|
|URI| https://api.sentoriapp.com/v2.0/email/clicks/EmailExternalID/Iteration/|
|Method| GET |
==== Response ====
The response is a JSON array containing Email Addresses of Contacts and the time of the first click.
===== Opens =====
This Endpoint is used to get the Contacts who have opened the Email. It can be restricted to a specific Iteration.
|URI| https://api.sentoriapp.com/v2.0/email/opens/EmailExternalID/|
|URI| https://api.sentoriapp.com/v2.0/email/opens/EmailExternalID/Iteration/|
|Method| GET |
==== Response ====
The response is a JSON array containing Email Addresses of Contacts and the time of the first open.
===== Social Shares =====
This Endpoint is used to get the Contacts who have shared the Email on at least one social network. It can be restricted to a specific Iteration.
|URI| https://api.sentoriapp.com/v2.0/email/socialsharers/EmailExternalID/|
|URI| https://api.sentoriapp.com/v2.0/email/socialsharers/EmailExternalID/Iteration/|
|Method| GET |
==== Response ====
The response is a JSON array containing Email Addresses of Contacts and the time of the first social share.
===== Unsubscribes =====
This Endpoint is used to get the Contacts who have unsubscribed from Emails using the unsubscribe Link in this Email. It can be restricted to a specific Iteration.
|URI| https://api.sentoriapp.com/v2.0/email/unsubscribes/EmailExternalID/|
|URI| https://api.sentoriapp.com/v2.0/email/unsubscribes/EmailExternalID/Iteration/|
|Method| GET |
==== Response ====
The response is a JSON array containing Email Addresses of Contacts and the time of the unsubscribe.